The road bends, the song ends...
After the last ride, on the last day, the cyclist must unclip, pack up her gear, and gingerly break down the bike. And for a second, the bike must be transformed from friend, traveling buddy, training companion, to enemy. The cyclist must leave the mindset of cyclist and look at the bike with annoyance, with disgust, with hatred. And the cyclist must think to herself, "Self, if I was an airline, where would I find weakpoints so that I could to destroy this fine piece of machinery and laugh cruelly at it´s owner?"
Then the cyclist must transform back, from airline baggage crusher, to super DHL man...and use all the tape and packing materials necessary to fight, fight, fight to the death against the evil airlines.
And then all the cyclist can do is tape up the box, zip in into the bag, and hope. And pray. For there will be a day when the cyclist will again open up that box.
If you´ve never had the experience of opening up a bike box after you´ve flown with your bike, it´s a gut-wreneching, stressful experience. You´re never sure what you´re going to end up with. It´s kind of like Christmas. Only horrible.
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