Te Huur
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Te Huur: To Rent
(in Groningen VVV (tourist office))
"Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with some information."
"Vat do you need to know?"
"Well, I'm a student staying in Groningen for a while and I was wondering if you knew of places to look for a room to rent."
"No! You maast ask the organization which you came with."
"Well, see, I'm not really associated with the university, I just need a place to stay."
"Zhere are no places to stay. All over Groningen there are tons of foreign and university students."
"How did they get housing?"
"Zhey know somebody."
"So there are no listings, no classified adds, no..."
"Zhis is the tourist office, I only know about museums."
"Yeah, didn't that one art museum almost flood and y'all almost lost millions of dollars in priceless pieces?"
"Zhat vas not our fault! Ve told them not to build below the canal, zhey do not listen!"
(on the phone)
"Hi, I found your posting online for a room to rent."
"Oh yees, ve are looking for another tenant. You are American? Vhat is your purpose in Groningen?"
"I'm a student."
"Ah, goot! And how long to you want zee for?"
"I'm thinking about eight weeks to around two mo..."
"Zat is too short!! Too short!! I am sorry, zis vill not work out I need someone at least three months otherwise its too many changes goodbye."
Yeah, that was all one sentence.
(at hostel reception)
"Hey, I have a random question for you guys."
"Um...do you know of places to look for renting a room?"
Silence, followed by whisperings in Dutch and confused looks.
More silence.
(on the street with random university students)
"Hey, I was wondering if you guys knew of places to look to rent a room."
Silence, followed by whispering in dutch. Dutch people always whisper around me. Go on, speak up y'all, I have not a clue what you say.
I go on, "Maybe postings at the university or something?"
One student: "No."
Other student: "No."
"Ah, so...you guys got any rooms avaliable?"
"Any friends with rooms avaliable?"
"Any idea where to look?"
"Want to wish me luck?"
(walking around aimlessly on the street)
Dutch person: "Are you looking for sometheeng in particular?"
Me: "Yes."
"Vhat are you looking for?"
"Vhat sign?"
"Te Huur."
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