Gear Change Up

Monday, December 19, 2005

See this is why God gives you sisters...


I had a great blog going about how I'm so tired, I can't pedal, I'm a horrible person, and I have no idea why any of you like me (how could anyone not like me?).

It's been a hard two days in the saddle, and had I opted for continuing along the east coast it was only going to get harder. I've pedaled both days to the point of exhaustion, and then usually I still have another 30 kilometers to go. I know, a kilometer is not as much as a mile so it's not that bad. But I'm carrying a pack. I am on a mountain bike. And I am not the cyclist I once was. It's no good anymore to think of what I should be doing , or how I should be feeling, because it's not reality now. Reality is I've got all this crap and I gotta get from point A to point B. So I just gotta do what I do what I just gotta do.

Cycling is survival. I collapse on the ground after yet another Hamilton-esque hill, cry a little (but not just a little), and then I have to pick myself back up and keep moving. I have to. Not because there are so many cool things to see up ahead, and not because I have way too much pride for my own good. I have to pick myself up and keep going because I cannot live at this Shell gas station in the middle of nowhere for the rest of my life. I don't think they'd let me.

Cycling makes things very simple like that.

So I got into Tauranga today, exhausted, hurting, and facing the fact that I am not the gigantic invincible badass I thought I was (I hate that). Try looking at New Zealand on the map. It looks small right? Go ride it and it's amazing... it actually starts to look bigger and bigger everyday. I was interpreting that as more and more hopeless everyday. I wanted to ride the east cape and hit Wellington by Christmas.

But physically, I can't do it.

You might want to copy and paste that. I don't admit that too often (see pride (ego?)-too-big-for-own-good section). Anyway, I can't do it so I was going to cut straight down. And pretty much miss all the cool stuff.

Enter the Evil Twin.

Tay gave me a call and in about 5 seconds (summa cum laude) she had a whole new route picked out for me with a day in reserve so I can go play Lord of the Rings. And just like that I am psyched about this trip again.

Hah. You all wish you had a sister as cool as mine.

So. Pedal on, pedal on, pedal on.


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